Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rocco's Blog 12/10/08

a collision of people
with different names
enter a coffee shop
and leave the same
way they came
leadbelly, leadbelly, leadbelly


1-2-Buckle my shoe said...
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yogagrl said...

So I've been watching, buying, loving you for two years.....I'm so thrilled with the press you're getting. And I'm even more excited to see you in Chicago in april. I wish it was sooner! I guess watching you before you're famous is a richer reward....I feel odd posting this here because I don't want the world to see it it...yet, you should be this thrilling to everyone. It's as simple as your music makes me happy....more than happy...

yogagrl said...

fuck, you're brilliant......that's all..thanks for being a part of me :)