Sunday, December 2, 2007

Rocco's Blog 12/2/07

bling bling...


charlie'smom said...

Rocco, Thanks for having my son over for Thanksgiving. I miss him and I hope your band will perform in Lexington, Kentucky Thanks Charlie's Mom

Catherine Michaels said...

Hi Rocco

I finally watched the movie...I Trust You To Kill Me...
I love how you said you
"have to plant" to grow flowers in your soul...It was great to watch--the Berlin Wall scene sort of jumped off the screen, as did your performance there. Will you be touring again?
Hope to see you at a show in NY.
I'm sure you've been asked, and I'm sure it's an intentional mystery...or I'm truly clueless, but who is the bunny?


PS--Love to your friend Kiefer who's doin' should write a song for him ; )

Lora Badders said...

I'm absolutely amazed by your voice. I have had the privilege of seeing your band 3 times and meeting all of you. I have amazing pics! Last year at this time I went to Blockbuster video in Englewood, Ohio and being a huge fan of the show 24 I (of course) immediately grabbed the only copy of I Trust You To Kill Me. I had no idea what I was about to see. I kept renting the ONLY copy BB had and I'd told all my customers at the bar about it. A few of them would come to the bar to ask me to return the video so they could watch it. I put your cd on the jukebox 9 months ago and like my all time favorite band (Led Zeppelin) I never get tired of listening to it. Rocco-you have an incredibly, beautifully, pure voice. Thank you for sharing your passion with the world. I LOVE music and to finally hear a band like yours that does NOT sound like every other band is so refreshing. Hurry back to Ohio please. I'd love to make my semi famous lasagna for you guys. You have to be close to Dayton for that. We are country folk and live in the middle of a cornfield. If you're on the road and want home cooking you can find me at the Courtyard Lounge in Englewood. It's a small bar full of wonderful people who love your music!

Lora Badders

anacris said...

the pic! I don't know the name of that in English but in my country that is called a Marimba, used by afro descendant communities to make music... greetings from Ecuador, you guys are awesome!

anacris ramos